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 375     // it to calculate how big the heap should be based on the requested OldSize
 376     // and NewRatio.
 377     assert(NewRatio > 0, "NewRatio should have been set up earlier");
 378     size_t calculated_heapsize = (OldSize / NewRatio) * (NewRatio + 1);
 380     calculated_heapsize = align_size_up(calculated_heapsize, _heap_alignment);
 381     FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxHeapSize, calculated_heapsize);
 382     _max_heap_byte_size = MaxHeapSize;
 383     FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, InitialHeapSize, calculated_heapsize);
 384     _initial_heap_byte_size = InitialHeapSize;
 385   }
 387   // Adjust NewSize and OldSize or MaxHeapSize to match each other
 388   if (NewSize + OldSize > MaxHeapSize) {
 389     if (_max_heap_size_cmdline) {
 390       // Somebody has set a maximum heap size with the intention that we should not
 391       // exceed it. Adjust New/OldSize as necessary.
 392       uintx calculated_size = NewSize + OldSize;
 393       double shrink_factor = (double) MaxHeapSize / calculated_size;
 394       uintx smaller_new_size = align_size_down((uintx)(NewSize * shrink_factor), _gen_alignment);
 395       FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, NewSize, MAX2(young_gen_size_lower_bound(), smaller_new_size));
 396       _initial_gen0_size = NewSize;
 398       // OldSize is already aligned because above we aligned MaxHeapSize to
 399       // _heap_alignment, and we just made sure that NewSize is aligned to
 400       // _gen_alignment. In initialize_flags() we verified that _heap_alignment
 401       // is a multiple of _gen_alignment.
 402       FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, OldSize, MaxHeapSize - NewSize);
 403     } else {
 404       FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxHeapSize, align_size_up(NewSize + OldSize, _heap_alignment));
 405       _max_heap_byte_size = MaxHeapSize;
 406     }
 407   }
 409   // Update NewSize, if possible, to avoid sizing gen0 to small when only
 410   // OldSize is set on the command line.
 411   if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(OldSize) && !FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize)) {
 412     if (OldSize < _initial_heap_byte_size) {
 413       size_t new_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - OldSize;
 414       // Need to compare against the flag value for max since _max_gen0_size
 415       // might not have been set yet.

 444 void GenCollectorPolicy::initialize_size_info() {
 445   CollectorPolicy::initialize_size_info();
 447   // _space_alignment is used for alignment within a generation.
 448   // There is additional alignment done down stream for some
 449   // collectors that sometimes causes unwanted rounding up of
 450   // generations sizes.
 452   // Determine maximum size of gen0
 454   size_t max_new_size = 0;
 455   if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxNewSize)) {
 456     max_new_size = MaxNewSize;
 457   } else {
 458     max_new_size = scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(_max_heap_byte_size);
 459     // Bound the maximum size by NewSize below (since it historically
 460     // would have been NewSize and because the NewRatio calculation could
 461     // yield a size that is too small) and bound it by MaxNewSize above.
 462     // Ergonomics plays here by previously calculating the desired
 463     // NewSize and MaxNewSize.
 464     max_new_size = MIN2(MAX2(max_new_size, NewSize), MaxNewSize);
 465   }
 466   assert(max_new_size > 0, "All paths should set max_new_size");
 468   // Given the maximum gen0 size, determine the initial and
 469   // minimum gen0 sizes.
 471   if (_max_heap_byte_size == _initial_heap_byte_size) {
 472     // The maxium and initial heap sizes are the same so the generation's
 473     // initial size must be the same as it maximum size. Use NewSize as the
 474     // size if set on command line.
 475     size_t fixed_young_size = FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize) ? NewSize : max_new_size;
 477     _initial_gen0_size = fixed_young_size;
 478     _max_gen0_size = fixed_young_size;
 480     // Also update the minimum size if min == initial == max.
 481     if (_max_heap_byte_size == _min_heap_byte_size) {
 482       _min_gen0_size = fixed_young_size;
 483     }
 484   } else {
 485     size_t desired_new_size = 0;
 486     if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize)) {
 487       // If NewSize is set on the command line, we should use it as
 488       // the initial size, but make sure it is within the heap bounds.
 489       desired_new_size =
 490         MIN2(max_new_size, bound_minus_alignment(NewSize, _initial_heap_byte_size));
 491       _min_gen0_size = bound_minus_alignment(desired_new_size, _min_heap_byte_size);
 492     } else {
 493       // For the case where NewSize is not set on the command line, use
 494       // NewRatio to size the initial generation size. Use the current
 495       // NewSize as the floor, because if NewRatio is overly large, the resulting
 496       // size can be too small.
 497       desired_new_size =
 498         MIN2(max_new_size, MAX2(scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(_initial_heap_byte_size), NewSize));
 499     }
 500     _initial_gen0_size = desired_new_size;
 501     _max_gen0_size = max_new_size;
 502   }
 504   // Write back to flags if necessary.
 505   if (NewSize != _initial_gen0_size) {
 506     FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, NewSize, _initial_gen0_size);
 507   }
 509   if (MaxNewSize != _max_gen0_size) {
 510     FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxNewSize, _max_gen0_size);
 511   }
 513   if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
 514     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("1: Minimum gen0 " SIZE_FORMAT "  Initial gen0 "
 515       SIZE_FORMAT "  Maximum gen0 " SIZE_FORMAT,
 516       _min_gen0_size, _initial_gen0_size, _max_gen0_size);
 517   }

 534     _min_gen1_size = _gen_alignment;
 535     _initial_gen1_size = MIN2(_max_gen1_size, MAX2(_initial_heap_byte_size - _initial_gen0_size, _min_gen1_size));
 536     // _max_gen1_size has already been made consistent above
 537     FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, OldSize, _initial_gen1_size);
 538   } else {
 539     // OldSize has been explicitly set on the command line. Use it
 540     // for the initial size but make sure the minimum allow a young
 541     // generation to fit as well.
 542     // If the user has explicitly set an OldSize that is inconsistent
 543     // with other command line flags, issue a warning.
 544     // The generation minimums and the overall heap minimum should
 545     // be within one generation alignment.
 546     if (OldSize > _max_gen1_size) {
 547       warning("Inconsistency between maximum heap size and maximum "
 548           "generation sizes: using maximum heap = " SIZE_FORMAT
 549           " -XX:OldSize flag is being ignored",
 550           _max_heap_byte_size);
 551       FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, OldSize, _max_gen1_size);
 552     }
 554     _min_gen1_size = MIN2(OldSize, _min_heap_byte_size - _min_gen0_size);
 555     _initial_gen1_size = OldSize;
 556   }
 558   // The initial generation sizes should match the initial heap size,
 559   // if not issue a warning and resize the generations. This behavior
 560   // differs from JDK8 where the generation sizes have higher priority
 561   // than the initial heap size.
 562   if ((_initial_gen1_size + _initial_gen0_size) != _initial_heap_byte_size) {
 563     warning("Inconsistency between generation sizes and heap size, resizing "
 564             "the generations to fit the heap.");
 566     size_t desired_gen0_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - _initial_gen1_size;
 567     if (_initial_heap_byte_size < _initial_gen1_size) {
 568       // Old want all memory, use minimum for young and rest for old
 569       _initial_gen0_size = _min_gen0_size;
 570       _initial_gen1_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - _min_gen0_size;
 571     } else if (desired_gen0_size > _max_gen0_size) {
 572       // Need to increase both young and old generation
 573       _initial_gen0_size = _max_gen0_size;
 574       _initial_gen1_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - _max_gen0_size;

 375     // it to calculate how big the heap should be based on the requested OldSize
 376     // and NewRatio.
 377     assert(NewRatio > 0, "NewRatio should have been set up earlier");
 378     size_t calculated_heapsize = (OldSize / NewRatio) * (NewRatio + 1);
 380     calculated_heapsize = align_size_up(calculated_heapsize, _heap_alignment);
 381     FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxHeapSize, calculated_heapsize);
 382     _max_heap_byte_size = MaxHeapSize;
 383     FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, InitialHeapSize, calculated_heapsize);
 384     _initial_heap_byte_size = InitialHeapSize;
 385   }
 387   // Adjust NewSize and OldSize or MaxHeapSize to match each other
 388   if (NewSize + OldSize > MaxHeapSize) {
 389     if (_max_heap_size_cmdline) {
 390       // Somebody has set a maximum heap size with the intention that we should not
 391       // exceed it. Adjust New/OldSize as necessary.
 392       uintx calculated_size = NewSize + OldSize;
 393       double shrink_factor = (double) MaxHeapSize / calculated_size;
 394       uintx smaller_new_size = align_size_down((uintx)(NewSize * shrink_factor), _gen_alignment);
 395       FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, NewSize, MAX2(young_gen_size_lower_bound(), (size_t)smaller_new_size));
 396       _initial_gen0_size = NewSize;
 398       // OldSize is already aligned because above we aligned MaxHeapSize to
 399       // _heap_alignment, and we just made sure that NewSize is aligned to
 400       // _gen_alignment. In initialize_flags() we verified that _heap_alignment
 401       // is a multiple of _gen_alignment.
 402       FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, OldSize, MaxHeapSize - NewSize);
 403     } else {
 404       FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxHeapSize, align_size_up(NewSize + OldSize, _heap_alignment));
 405       _max_heap_byte_size = MaxHeapSize;
 406     }
 407   }
 409   // Update NewSize, if possible, to avoid sizing gen0 to small when only
 410   // OldSize is set on the command line.
 411   if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(OldSize) && !FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize)) {
 412     if (OldSize < _initial_heap_byte_size) {
 413       size_t new_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - OldSize;
 414       // Need to compare against the flag value for max since _max_gen0_size
 415       // might not have been set yet.

 444 void GenCollectorPolicy::initialize_size_info() {
 445   CollectorPolicy::initialize_size_info();
 447   // _space_alignment is used for alignment within a generation.
 448   // There is additional alignment done down stream for some
 449   // collectors that sometimes causes unwanted rounding up of
 450   // generations sizes.
 452   // Determine maximum size of gen0
 454   size_t max_new_size = 0;
 455   if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxNewSize)) {
 456     max_new_size = MaxNewSize;
 457   } else {
 458     max_new_size = scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(_max_heap_byte_size);
 459     // Bound the maximum size by NewSize below (since it historically
 460     // would have been NewSize and because the NewRatio calculation could
 461     // yield a size that is too small) and bound it by MaxNewSize above.
 462     // Ergonomics plays here by previously calculating the desired
 463     // NewSize and MaxNewSize.
 464     max_new_size = MIN2(MAX2(max_new_size, (size_t)NewSize), (size_t)MaxNewSize);
 465   }
 466   assert(max_new_size > 0, "All paths should set max_new_size");
 468   // Given the maximum gen0 size, determine the initial and
 469   // minimum gen0 sizes.
 471   if (_max_heap_byte_size == _initial_heap_byte_size) {
 472     // The maxium and initial heap sizes are the same so the generation's
 473     // initial size must be the same as it maximum size. Use NewSize as the
 474     // size if set on command line.
 475     size_t fixed_young_size = FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize) ? NewSize : max_new_size;
 477     _initial_gen0_size = fixed_young_size;
 478     _max_gen0_size = fixed_young_size;
 480     // Also update the minimum size if min == initial == max.
 481     if (_max_heap_byte_size == _min_heap_byte_size) {
 482       _min_gen0_size = fixed_young_size;
 483     }
 484   } else {
 485     size_t desired_new_size = 0;
 486     if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NewSize)) {
 487       // If NewSize is set on the command line, we should use it as
 488       // the initial size, but make sure it is within the heap bounds.
 489       desired_new_size =
 490         MIN2(max_new_size, bound_minus_alignment(NewSize, _initial_heap_byte_size));
 491       _min_gen0_size = bound_minus_alignment(desired_new_size, _min_heap_byte_size);
 492     } else {
 493       // For the case where NewSize is not set on the command line, use
 494       // NewRatio to size the initial generation size. Use the current
 495       // NewSize as the floor, because if NewRatio is overly large, the resulting
 496       // size can be too small.
 497       desired_new_size =
 498         MIN2(max_new_size, MAX2(scale_by_NewRatio_aligned(_initial_heap_byte_size), (size_t)NewSize));
 499     }
 500     _initial_gen0_size = desired_new_size;
 501     _max_gen0_size = max_new_size;
 502   }
 504   // Write back to flags if necessary.
 505   if (NewSize != _initial_gen0_size) {
 506     FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, NewSize, _initial_gen0_size);
 507   }
 509   if (MaxNewSize != _max_gen0_size) {
 510     FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxNewSize, _max_gen0_size);
 511   }
 513   if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
 514     gclog_or_tty->print_cr("1: Minimum gen0 " SIZE_FORMAT "  Initial gen0 "
 515       SIZE_FORMAT "  Maximum gen0 " SIZE_FORMAT,
 516       _min_gen0_size, _initial_gen0_size, _max_gen0_size);
 517   }

 534     _min_gen1_size = _gen_alignment;
 535     _initial_gen1_size = MIN2(_max_gen1_size, MAX2(_initial_heap_byte_size - _initial_gen0_size, _min_gen1_size));
 536     // _max_gen1_size has already been made consistent above
 537     FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, OldSize, _initial_gen1_size);
 538   } else {
 539     // OldSize has been explicitly set on the command line. Use it
 540     // for the initial size but make sure the minimum allow a young
 541     // generation to fit as well.
 542     // If the user has explicitly set an OldSize that is inconsistent
 543     // with other command line flags, issue a warning.
 544     // The generation minimums and the overall heap minimum should
 545     // be within one generation alignment.
 546     if (OldSize > _max_gen1_size) {
 547       warning("Inconsistency between maximum heap size and maximum "
 548           "generation sizes: using maximum heap = " SIZE_FORMAT
 549           " -XX:OldSize flag is being ignored",
 550           _max_heap_byte_size);
 551       FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, OldSize, _max_gen1_size);
 552     }
 554     _min_gen1_size = MIN2((size_t)OldSize, _min_heap_byte_size - _min_gen0_size);
 555     _initial_gen1_size = OldSize;
 556   }
 558   // The initial generation sizes should match the initial heap size,
 559   // if not issue a warning and resize the generations. This behavior
 560   // differs from JDK8 where the generation sizes have higher priority
 561   // than the initial heap size.
 562   if ((_initial_gen1_size + _initial_gen0_size) != _initial_heap_byte_size) {
 563     warning("Inconsistency between generation sizes and heap size, resizing "
 564             "the generations to fit the heap.");
 566     size_t desired_gen0_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - _initial_gen1_size;
 567     if (_initial_heap_byte_size < _initial_gen1_size) {
 568       // Old want all memory, use minimum for young and rest for old
 569       _initial_gen0_size = _min_gen0_size;
 570       _initial_gen1_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - _min_gen0_size;
 571     } else if (desired_gen0_size > _max_gen0_size) {
 572       // Need to increase both young and old generation
 573       _initial_gen0_size = _max_gen0_size;
 574       _initial_gen1_size = _initial_heap_byte_size - _max_gen0_size;