#!/usr/bin/python # koji-shadow: a tool to shadow builds between koji instances # Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Red Hat # # Koji is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; # version 2.1 of the License. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Authors: # Mike McLean try: import krbV except ImportError: pass import koji import ConfigParser from email.MIMEText import MIMEText import fnmatch import optparse import os import pprint import random import shutil import smtplib import socket # for socket.error and socket.setdefaulttimeout import string import sys import time import urllib2 import urlgrabber.grabber as grabber import xmlrpclib # for ProtocolError and Fault import rpm # koji.fp.o keeps stalling, probably network errors... # better to time out than to stall socket.setdefaulttimeout(180) #XXX - too short? OptionParser = optparse.OptionParser if optparse.__version__ == "1.4.1+": def _op_error(self, msg): self.print_usage(sys.stderr) msg = "%s: error: %s\n" % (self._get_prog_name(), msg) if msg: sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.exit(2) OptionParser.error = _op_error def _(args): """Stub function for translation""" return args class SubOption(object): """A simple container to help with tracking ConfigParser data""" pass def get_options(): """process options from command line and config file""" usage = _("%prog [options]") parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-c", "--config-file", metavar="FILE", help=_("use alternate configuration file")) parser.add_option("--keytab", help=_("specify a Kerberos keytab to use")) parser.add_option("--principal", help=_("specify a Kerberos principal to use")) parser.add_option("--runas", metavar="USER", help=_("run as the specified user (requires special privileges)")) parser.add_option("--user", help=_("specify user")) parser.add_option("--password", help=_("specify password")) parser.add_option("--noauth", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("do not authenticate")) parser.add_option("-n", "--test", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("test mode")) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("show debug output")) parser.add_option("--first-one", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("stop after scanning first build -- debugging")) parser.add_option("--debug-xmlrpc", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("show xmlrpc debug output")) parser.add_option("--skip-main", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("don't actually run main")) # parser.add_option("--tag-filter", metavar="PATTERN", # help=_("limit tags for pruning")) # parser.add_option("--pkg-filter", metavar="PATTERN", # help=_("limit packages for pruning")) parser.add_option("--max-jobs", type="int", default=0, help=_("limit number of tasks")) parser.add_option("--build", help=_("scan just this build")) parser.add_option("-s", "--server", help=_("url of local XMLRPC server")) parser.add_option("-r", "--remote", help=_("url of remote XMLRPC server")) parser.add_option("--prefer-new", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("if there is a newer build locally prefer it for deps")) parser.add_option("--import-noarch", action="store_true", help=_("import missing noarch builds rather than rebuilding")) parser.add_option("--link-imports", action="store_true", help=_("use 'import --link' functionality")) parser.add_option("--remote-topurl", help=_("topurl for remote server")) parser.add_option("--workpath", default="/tmp/koji-shadow", help=_("location to store work files")) parser.add_option("--auth-cert", help=_("Certificate for authentication")) parser.add_option("--auth-ca", help=_("CA certificate for authentication")) parser.add_option("--serverca", help=_("Server CA certificate")) parser.add_option("--rules", help=_("rules")) parser.add_option("--rules-greylist", help=_("greylist rules")) parser.add_option("--rules-blacklist", help=_("blacklist rules")) parser.add_option("--rules-ignorelist", help=_("Rules: list of packages to ignore")) parser.add_option("--rules-includelist", help=_("Rules: list of packages to always include")) parser.add_option("--rules-protectlist", help=_("Rules: list of package names to never replace")) parser.add_option("--tag-build", action="store_true", default=False, help=_("tag sucessful builds into the tag we are building, default is to not tag")) parser.add_option("--arches", help=_("arches to use when creating tags")) #parse once to get the config file (options, args) = parser.parse_args() defaults = parser.get_default_values() config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() cf = getattr(options, 'config_file', None) if cf: if not os.access(cf, os.F_OK): parser.error(_("No such file: %s") % cf) assert False else: cf = '/etc/koji-shadow/koji-shadow.conf' if not os.access(cf, os.F_OK): cf = None if not cf: print "no config file" config = None else: config.read(cf) #allow config file to update defaults for opt in parser.option_list: if not opt.dest: continue name = opt.dest alias = ('main', name) if config.has_option(*alias): print "Using option %s from config file" % (alias,) if opt.action in ('store_true', 'store_false'): setattr(defaults, name, config.getboolean(*alias)) elif opt.action != 'store': pass elif opt.type in ('int', 'long'): setattr(defaults, name, config.getint(*alias)) elif opt.type in ('float'): setattr(defaults, name, config.getfloat(*alias)) else: print config.get(*alias) setattr(defaults, name, config.get(*alias)) #config file options without a cmdline equivalent otheropts = [ #name, type, default ['keytab', None, 'string'], ['principal', None, 'string'], ['runas', None, 'string'], ['user', None, 'string'], ['password', None, 'string'], ['noauth', None, 'boolean'], ['server', None, 'string'], ['remote', None, 'string'], ['max_jobs', None, 'int'], ['serverca', None, 'string'], ['auth_cert', None, 'string'], ['auth_ca', None, 'string'], ['arches', None, 'string'], ] #parse again with updated defaults (options, args) = parser.parse_args(values=defaults) options.config = config return options, args time_units = { 'second' : 1, 'minute' : 60, 'hour' : 3600, 'day' : 86400, 'week' : 604800, } time_unit_aliases = [ #[unit, alias, alias, ...] ['week', 'weeks', 'wk', 'wks'], ['hour', 'hours', 'hr', 'hrs'], ['day', 'days'], ['minute', 'minutes', 'min', 'mins'], ['second', 'seconds', 'sec', 'secs', 's'], ] def parse_duration(str): """Parse time duration from string, returns duration in seconds""" ret = 0 n = None unit = None def parse_num(s): try: return int(s) except ValueError: pass try: return float(s) except ValueError: pass return None for x in str.split(): if n is None: n = parse_num(x) if n is not None: continue #perhaps the unit is appended w/o a space for names in time_unit_aliases: for name in names: if x.endswith(name): n = parse_num(x[:-len(name)]) if n is None: continue unit = names[0] # combined at end break if unit: break else: raise ValueError, "Invalid time interval: %s" % str if unit is None: x = x.lower() for names in time_unit_aliases: for name in names: if x == name: unit = names[0] break if unit: break else: raise ValueError, "Invalid time interval: %s" % str ret += n * time_units[unit] n = None unit = None return ret def error(msg=None, code=1): if msg: sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n") sys.stderr.flush() sys.exit(code) def warn(msg): sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n") sys.stderr.flush() def ensure_connection(session): try: ret = session.getAPIVersion() except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError: error(_("Error: Unable to connect to server")) if ret != koji.API_VERSION: warn(_("WARNING: The server is at API version %d and the client is at %d" % (ret, koji.API_VERSION))) def activate_session(session): """Test and login the session is applicable""" global options if options.noauth: #skip authentication pass elif os.path.isfile(options.auth_cert): # authenticate using SSL client cert session.ssl_login(options.auth_cert, options.auth_ca, options.serverca, proxyuser=options.runas) elif options.user: #authenticate using user/password session.login() elif sys.modules.has_key('krbV'): try: if options.keytab and options.principal: session.krb_login(principal=options.principal, keytab=options.keytab, proxyuser=options.runas) else: session.krb_login(proxyuser=options.runas) except krbV.Krb5Error, e: error(_("Kerberos authentication failed: '%s' (%s)") % (e.message, e.err_code)) except socket.error, e: warn(_("Could not connect to Kerberos authentication service: '%s'") % e.args[1]) if not options.noauth and not session.logged_in: error(_("Error: unable to log in")) ensure_connection(session) if options.debug: print "successfully connected to hub" def _unique_path(prefix): """Create a unique path fragment by appending a path component to prefix. The path component will consist of a string of letter and numbers that is unlikely to be a duplicate, but is not guaranteed to be unique.""" # Use time() in the dirname to provide a little more information when # browsing the filesystem. # For some reason repr(time.time()) includes 4 or 5 # more digits of precision than str(time.time()) return '%s/%r.%s' % (prefix, time.time(), ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for i in range(8)])) class LocalBuild(object): """A stand-in for substitute deps that are only available locally""" def __init__(self, info, tracker=None): self.info = info self.id = info['id'] self.nvr = "%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s" % self.info self.state = 'local' class TrackedBuild(object): def __init__(self, build_id, child=None, tracker=None): self.id = build_id self.tracker = tracker self.info = remote.getBuild(build_id) self.nvr = "%(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s" % self.info self.name = "%(name)s" % self.info self.epoch = "%(epoch)s" % self.info self.version = "%(version)s" % self.info self.release = "%(release)s" % self.info self.srpm = None self.rpms = None self.children = {} self.state = None self.order = 0 self.substitute = None if child is not None: #children tracks the builds that were built using this one self.children[child] = 1 #see if we have it self.rebuilt = False self.updateState() if self.state == 'missing': self.rpms = remote.listRPMs(self.id) for rinfo in self.rpms: if rinfo['arch'] == 'src': self.srpm = rinfo self.getExtraArches() self.getDeps() #sets deps, br_tag, base, order, (maybe state) def updateState(self): """Update state from local hub This is intended to be called at initialization and after a missing build has been rebuilt""" ours = session.getBuild(self.nvr) if ours is not None: state = koji.BUILD_STATES[ours['state']] if state == 'COMPLETE': self.setState("common") if ours['task_id']: self.rebuilt = True return elif state in ('FAILED', 'CANCELED'): #treat these as having no build pass elif state == 'BUILDING' and ours['task_id']: self.setState("pending") self.task_id = ours['task_id'] return else: # DELETED or BUILDING(no task) self.setState("broken") return self.setState("missing") def isNoarch(self): if not self.rpms: return False noarch = False for rpminfo in self.rpms: if rpminfo['arch'] == 'noarch': #note that we've seen a noarch rpm noarch = True elif rpminfo['arch'] != 'src': return False return noarch def setState(self, state): #print "%s -> %s" % (self.nvr, state) if state == self.state: return if self.state is not None and self.tracker: del self.tracker.state_idx[self.state][self.id] self.state = state if self.tracker: self.tracker.state_idx.setdefault(self.state, {})[self.id] = self def getSource(self): """Get source from remote""" if options.remote_topurl and self.srpm: #download srpm from remote pathinfo = koji.PathInfo(options.remote_topurl) url = "%s/%s" % (pathinfo.build(self.info), pathinfo.rpm(self.srpm)) print "Downloading %s" % url #XXX - this is not really the right place for this fsrc = urllib2.urlopen(url) fn = "/tmp/koji-shadow/%s.src.rpm" % self.nvr koji.ensuredir(os.path.dirname(fn)) fdst = file(fn, 'w') shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst) fsrc.close() fdst.close() serverdir = _unique_path('koji-shadow') session.uploadWrapper(fn, serverdir, blocksize=65536) src = "%s/%s" % (serverdir, os.path.basename(fn)) return src #otherwise use SCM url task_id = self.info['task_id'] if task_id: tinfo = remote.getTaskInfo(task_id) if tinfo['method'] == 'build': try: request = remote.getTaskRequest(task_id) src = request[0] #XXX - Move SCM class out of kojid and use it to check for scm url if src.startswith('cvs:'): return src except: pass #otherwise fail return None def addChild(self, child): self.children[child] = 1 def getExtraArches(self): arches = {} for rpminfo in self.rpms: arches.setdefault(rpminfo['arch'], 1) self.extraArches = [a for a in arches if koji.canonArch(a) != a] def getBuildroots(self): """Return a list of buildroots for remote build""" brs = {} bad = [] for rinfo in self.rpms: br_id = rinfo.get('buildroot_id') if not br_id: bad.append(rinfo) continue brs[br_id] = 1 if brs and bad: print "Warning: some rpms for %s lacked buildroots:" % self.nvr for rinfo in bad: print " %(name)-%(version)-%(release).%(arch)" % rinfo return brs.keys() def getDeps(self): buildroots = self.getBuildroots() if not buildroots: self.setState("noroot") return buildroots.sort() self.order = buildroots[-1] seen = {} #used to avoid scanning the same buildroot twice builds = {} #track which builds we need for a rebuild bases = {} #track base install for buildroots tags = {} #track buildroot tag(s) remote.multicall = True unpack = [] for br_id in buildroots: if seen.has_key(br_id): continue seen[br_id] = 1 #br_info = remote.getBuildroot(br_id, strict=True) remote.getBuildroot(br_id, strict=True) unpack.append(('br_info', br_id)) #tags.setdefault(br_info['tag_name'], 0) #tags[br_info['tag_name']] += 1 #print "." remote.listRPMs(componentBuildrootID=br_id) unpack.append(('rpmlist', br_id)) #for rinfo in remote.listRPMs(componentBuildrootID=br_id): # builds[rinfo['build_id']] = 1 # if not rinfo['is_update']: # bases.setdefault(rinfo['name'], {})[br_id] = 1 for (dtype, br_id), data in zip(unpack, remote.multiCall()): if dtype == 'br_info': [br_info] = data tags.setdefault(br_info['tag_name'], 0) tags[br_info['tag_name']] += 1 elif dtype == 'rpmlist': [rpmlist] = data for rinfo in rpmlist: builds[rinfo['build_id']] = 1 if not rinfo['is_update']: bases.setdefault(rinfo['name'], {})[br_id] = 1 # we want to record the intersection of the base sets # XXX - this makes some assumptions about homogeneity that, while reasonable, # are not strictly required of the db. # The only way I can think of to break this is if some significant tag/target # changes happened during the build startup and some subtasks got the old # repo and others the new one. base = [] for name, brlist in bases.iteritems(): #We want to determine for each name if that package was present #in /all/ the buildroots or just some. #Because brlist is constructed only from elements of buildroots, we #can simply check the length assert len(brlist) <= len(buildroots) if len(brlist) == len(buildroots): #each buildroot had this as a base package base.append(name) if len(tags) > 1: print "Warning: found multiple buildroot tags for %s: %s" % (self.nvr, tags.keys()) counts = [(n, tag) for tag, n in tags.iteritems()] sort(counts) tag = counts[-1][1] else: tag = tags.keys()[0] self.deps = builds self.revised_deps = None #BuildTracker will set this later self.br_tag = tag self.base = base class BuildTracker(object): def __init__(self): self.rebuild_order = 0 self.builds = {} self.state_idx = {} self.nvr_idx = {} for state in ('common', 'pending', 'missing', 'broken', 'brokendeps', 'noroot', 'blocked', 'grey'): self.state_idx.setdefault(state, {}) self.scanRules() def scanRules(self): """Reads/parses rules data from the config This data consists mainly of white/black/greylist data substitution data """ self.blacklist = None self.whitelist = None self.greylist = None self.ignorelist = [] self.includelist = [] self.protectlist = [] self.substitute_idx = {} self.substitutions = {} if options.config.has_option('rules', 'whitelist'): self.whitelist = options.config.get('rules', 'whitelist').split() if options.config.has_option('rules', 'blacklist'): self.blacklist = options.config.get('rules', 'blacklist').split() if options.config.has_option('rules', 'greylist'): self.greylist = options.config.get('rules', 'greylist').split() if options.config.has_option('rules', 'ignorelist'): self.ignorelist = options.config.get('rules', 'ignorelist').split() if options.config.has_option('rules', 'includelist'): self.includelist = options.config.get('rules', 'includelist').split() if options.config.has_option('rules', 'protectlist'): self.protectlist = options.config.get('rules', 'protectlist').split() if options.config.has_option('rules', 'substitutions'): #At present this is a simple multi-line format #one substitution per line #format: # missing-build build-to-substitute #TODO: allow more robust substitutions for line in options.config.get('rules', 'substitutions').splitlines(): line = line.strip() if line[:1] == "#": #skip comment continue if not line: #blank continue data = line.split() if len(data) != 2: raise Exception, "Bad substitution: %s" % line match, replace = data self.substitutions[match] = replace def checkFilter(self, build, grey=None, default=True): """Check build against white/black/grey lists Whitelisting takes precedence over blacklisting. In our case, the whitelist is a list of exceptions to black/greylisting. If the build is greylisted, returns the value specified by the 'grey' parameter If the build matches nothing, returns the value specified in the 'default' parameter """ if self.whitelist: for pattern in self.whitelist: if fnmatch.fnmatch(build.nvr, pattern): return True if self.blacklist: for pattern in self.blacklist: if fnmatch.fnmatch(build.nvr, pattern): return False if self.greylist: for pattern in self.greylist: if fnmatch.fnmatch(build.nvr, pattern): return grey return default def rpmvercmp (self, (e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2)): """find out which build is newer""" rc = rpm.labelCompare((e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2)) if rc == 1: #first evr wins return 1 elif rc == 0: #same evr return 0 else: #second evr wins return -1 def newerBuild(self, build, tag): #XXX: secondary arches need a policy to say if we have newer builld localy it will be the substitute srpmName = remote.getBuild(build.id)['package_name'] localLatestBuild = session.getLatestBuilds(tag, package=str(srpmName)) if not localLatestBuild == []: parentevr = (str(build.epoch), build.version, build.release) parentnvr = (str(srpmName), build.version, build.release) latestevr = (str(localLatestBuild[0]['epoch']), localLatestBuild[0]['version'], localLatestBuild[0]['release']) newestRPM = self.rpmvercmp( parentevr, latestevr) if options.debug: print "remote evr: %s \nlocal evr: %s \nResult: %s" % (parentevr, latestevr, newestRPM) if newestRPM == -1: #the local is newer info = session.getBuild("%s-%s-%s" % (str(localLatestBuild[0]['name']), localLatestBuild[0]['version'], localLatestBuild[0]['release'] )) if info: build = LocalBuild(info) self.substitute_idx[parentnvr] = build return build return None def getSubstitute(self, nvr): build = self.substitute_idx.get(nvr) if not build: #see if remote has it info = remote.getBuild(nvr) if info: #see if we're already tracking it build = self.builds.get(info['id']) if not build: build = TrackedBuild(info['id'], tracker=self) else: #remote doesn't have it #see if we have it locally info = session.getBuild(nvr) if info: build = LocalBuild(info) else: build = None self.substitute_idx[nvr] = build return build def scanBuild(self, build_id, from_build=None, depth=0, tag=None): """Recursively scan a build and its dependencies""" #print build_id build = self.builds.get(build_id) if build: #already scanned if from_build: build.addChild(from_build.id) #There are situations where, we'll need to go forward anyway: # - if we were greylisted before, and depth > 0 now # - if we're being substituted and depth is 0 if not (depth > 0 and build.state == 'grey') \ and not (depth == 0 and build.substitute): return build else: child_id = None if from_build: child_id = from_build.id build = TrackedBuild(build_id, child=child_id, tracker=self) self.builds[build_id] = build if from_build: tail = " (from %s)" % from_build.nvr else: tail = "" head = " " * depth if build.name in self.ignorelist: print "%sIgnored Build: %s%s" % (head, build.nvr, tail) build.setState('ignore') return build check = self.checkFilter(build, grey=None) if check is None: #greylisted builds are ok as deps, but not primary builds if depth == 0: print "%sGreylisted build %s%s" % (head, build.nvr, tail) build.setState('grey') return build #get rid of 'grey' state (filter will not be checked again) build.updateState() elif not check: print "%sBlocked build %s%s" % (head, build.nvr, tail) build.setState('blocked') return build if build.name not in self.protectlist: #check to see if a substition applies replace = self.substitutions.get(build.nvr) if replace: build.substitute = replace if depth > 0: print "%sDep replaced: %s->%s" % (head, build.nvr, replace) return build if options.prefer_new and not options.build: latestBuild = self.newerBuild(build, tag) if latestBuild != None: build.substitute = latestBuild.nvr print "%sNewer build replaced: %s->%s" % (head, build.nvr, latestBuild.nvr) return build if build.state == "common": #we're good if build.rebuilt: print "%sCommon build (rebuilt) %s%s" % (head, build.nvr, tail) else: print "%sCommon build %s%s" % (head, build.nvr, tail) elif build.state == 'pending': print "%sRebuild in progress: %s%s" % (head, build.nvr, tail) elif build.state == "broken": #The build already exists locally, but is somehow invalid. #We should not replace it automatically. An admin can reset it #if that is the correct thing. A substitution might also be in order print "%sWarning: build exists, but is invalid: %s%s" % (head, build.nvr, tail) # # !! Cases where importing a noarch is /not/ ok must occur # before this point # elif options.import_noarch and build.isNoarch(): self.importBuild(build, tag) elif build.state == "noroot": #Can't rebuild it, this is what substitutions are for print "%sWarning: no buildroot data for %s%s" % (head, build.nvr, tail) elif build.state == 'brokendeps': #should not be possible at this point print "Error: build reports brokendeps state before dep scan" elif build.state == "missing": #scan its deps print "%sMissing build %s%s. Scanning deps..." % (head, build.nvr, tail) newdeps = [] # include extra local builds as deps. if self.includelist: for dep in self.includelist: info = session.getBuild(dep) if info: print "%s Adding local Dep %s" % (head, dep) extradep = LocalBuild(info) newdeps.append(extradep) else: print "%s Warning: could not find build for %s" % (head, dep) #don't actually set build.revised_deps until we finish the dep scan for dep_id in build.deps: dep = self.scanBuild(dep_id, from_build=build, depth=depth+1, tag=tag) if dep.name in self.ignorelist: continue else: if dep.substitute: dep2 = self.getSubstitute(dep.substitute) if isinstance(dep2, TrackedBuild): self.scanBuild(dep2.id, from_build=build, depth=depth+1, tag=tag) elif dep2 is None: #dep is missing on both local and remote print "%sSubstitute dep unavailable: %s" % (head, dep2.nvr) #no point in continuing break #otherwise dep2 should be LocalBuild instance newdeps.append(dep2) elif dep.state in ('broken', 'brokendeps', 'noroot', 'blocked'): #no point in continuing build.setState('brokendeps') print "%sCan't rebuild %s, %s is %s" % (head, build.nvr, dep.nvr, dep.state) newdeps = None break else: newdeps.append(dep) # set rebuild order as we go # we do this /after/ the recursion, so our deps have a lower order number self.rebuild_order += 1 build.order = self.rebuild_order build.revised_deps = newdeps #scanning takes a long time, might as well start builds if we can self.checkJobs(tag) self.rebuildMissing() if len(self.builds) % 50 == 0: self.report() return build def scanTag(self, tag): """Scan the latest builds in a remote tag""" taginfo = remote.getTag(tag) builds = remote.listTagged(taginfo['id'], latest=True) for build in builds: for retry in xrange(10): try: self.scanBuild(build['id'], tag=tag) if options.first_one: return except (socket.timeout, socket.error): print "retry" continue break else: print "Error: unable to scan %(name)s-%(version)s-%(release)s" % build continue def _importURL(self, url, fn): """Import an rpm directly from a url""" serverdir = _unique_path('koji-shadow') if options.link_imports: #bit of a hack, but faster than uploading dst = "%s/%s/%s" % (koji.pathinfo.work(), serverdir, fn) old_umask = os.umask(002) try: koji.ensuredir(os.path.dirname(dst)) os.chown(os.path.dirname(dst), 48, 48) #XXX - hack print "Downloading %s to %s" % (url, dst) fsrc = urllib2.urlopen(url) fdst = file(fn, 'w') shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst) fsrc.close() fdst.close() finally: os.umask(old_umask) else: #TODO - would be possible, using uploadFile directly, to upload without writing locally. #for now, though, just use uploadWrapper koji.ensuredir(options.workpath) dst = "%s/%s" % (options.workpath, fn) print "Downloading %s to %s..." % (url, dst) fsrc = urllib2.urlopen(url) fdst = file(dst, 'w') shutil.copyfileobj(fsrc, fdst) fsrc.close() fdst.close() print "Uploading %s..." % dst session.uploadWrapper(dst, serverdir, blocksize=65536) session.importRPM(serverdir, fn) def importBuild(self, build, tag=None): '''import a build from remote hub''' if not build.srpm: print "No srpm for build %s, skipping import" % build.nvr #TODO - support no-src imports here return False if not options.remote_topurl: print "Skipping import of %s, remote_topurl not specified" % build.nvr return False pathinfo = koji.PathInfo(options.remote_topurl) build_url = pathinfo.build(build.info) url = "%s/%s" % (pathinfo.build(build.info), pathinfo.rpm(build.srpm)) fname = "%s.src.rpm" % build.nvr self._importURL(url, fname) for rpminfo in build.rpms: if rpminfo['arch'] == 'src': #already imported above continue relpath = pathinfo.rpm(rpminfo) url = "%s/%s" % (build_url, relpath) fname = os.path.basename(relpath) self._importURL(url, fname) build.updateState() if options.tag_build and not tag == None: self.tagSuccessful(build.nvr, tag) return True def scan(self): """Scan based on config file""" to_scan = [] alltags = remote.listTags() def rebuild(self, build): """Rebuild a remote build using closest possible buildroot""" #first check that we can if build.state != 'missing': print "Can't rebuild %s. state=%s" % (build.nvr, build.state) return #deps = [] #for build_id in build.deps: # dep = self.builds.get(build_id) # if not dep: # print "Missing dependency %i for %s. Not scanned?" % (build_id, build.nvr) # return # if dep.state != 'common': # print "Dependency missing for %s: %s (%s)" % (build.nvr, dep.nvr, dep.state) # return # deps.append(dep) deps = build.revised_deps if deps is None: print "Can't rebuild %s" % build.nvr return if options.test: print "Skipping rebuild of %s (test mode)" % build.nvr return #check/create tag our_tag = "SHADOWBUILD-%s" % build.br_tag taginfo = session.getTag(our_tag) parents = None if not taginfo: #XXX - not sure what is best here #how do we pick arches? for now just hardcoded #XXX this call for perms is stupid, but it's all we've got perm_id = None for data in session.getAllPerms(): if data['name'] == 'admin': perm_id = data['id'] break session.createTag(our_tag, perm=perm_id, arches=options.arches) taginfo = session.getTag(our_tag, strict=True) #we don't need a target, we trigger our own repo creation and #pass that repo_id to the build call #session.createBuildTarget(taginfo['name'], taginfo['id'], taginfo['id']) else: parents = session.getInheritanceData(taginfo['id']) if parents: print "Warning: shadow build tag has inheritance" #check package list pkgs = {} for pkg in session.listPackages(tagID=taginfo['id']): pkgs[pkg['package_name']] = pkg missing_pkgs = [] for dep in deps: name = dep.info['name'] if not pkgs.has_key(name): #guess owner owners = {} for pkg in session.listPackages(pkgID=name): owners.setdefault(pkg['owner_id'], []).append(pkg) if owners: order = [(len(v), k) for k, v in owners.iteritems()] order.sort() owner = order[-1][1] else: #just use ourselves owner=session.getLoggedInUser()['id'] missing_pkgs.append((name, owner)) #check build list cur_builds = {} for binfo in session.listTagged(taginfo['id']): #index by name in tagging order (latest first) cur_builds.setdefault(binfo['name'], []).append(binfo) to_untag = [] to_tag = [] for dep in deps: #XXX - assuming here that there is only one dep per 'name' # may want to check that this is true cur_order = cur_builds.get(dep.info['name'], []) tagged = False for binfo in cur_order: if binfo['nvr'] == dep.nvr: tagged = True #may not be latest now, but it will be after we do all the untagging else: # note that the untagging keeps older builds from piling up. In a sense # we're gc-pruning this tag ourselves every pass. to_untag.append(binfo) if not tagged: to_tag.append(dep) #TODO - "add-on" packages # for handling arch-specific deps that may not show up on remote # e.g. elilo or similar # these extra packages should be added to tag, but not the build group #TODO - local extra builds # a configurable mechanism to add specific local builds to the buildroot drop_groups = [] build_group = None for group in session.getTagGroups(taginfo['id']): if group['name'] == 'build': build_group = group else: # we should have no other groups but build print "Warning: found stray group: %s" % group drop_groups.append(group['name']) if build_group: #fix build group package list based on base of build to shadow needed = dict([(n,1) for n in build.base]) current = dict([(p['package'],1) for p in build_group['packagelist']]) add_pkgs = [n for n in needed if not current.has_key(n)] drop_pkgs = [n for n in current if not needed.has_key(n)] #no group deps needed/allowed drop_deps = [(g['name'], 1) for g in build_group['grouplist']] if drop_deps: print "Warning: build group had deps: %r" % build_group else: add_pkgs = build.base drop_pkgs = [] drop_deps = [] #update package list, tagged packages, and groups in one multicall/transaction #(avoid useless repo regens) session.multicall = True for name, owner in missing_pkgs: session.packageListAdd(taginfo['id'], name, owner=owner) for binfo in to_untag: session.untagBuildBypass(taginfo['id'], binfo['id']) for dep in to_tag: session.tagBuildBypass(taginfo['id'], dep.nvr) #shouldn't need force here #set groups data if not build_group: # build group not present. add it session.groupListAdd(taginfo['id'], 'build', force=True) #using force in case group is blocked. This shouldn't be the case, but... for pkg_name in drop_pkgs: #in principal, our tag should not have inheritance, so the remove call is the right thing session.groupPackageListRemove(taginfo['id'], 'build', pkg_name) for pkg_name in add_pkgs: session.groupPackageListAdd(taginfo['id'], 'build', pkg_name) #we never add any blocks, so forcing shouldn't be required #TODO - adjust extra_arches for package to build #get event id to facilitate waiting on repo # not sure if getLastEvent is good enough # short of adding a new call, perhaps use getLastEvent together with event of # current latest repo for tag session.getLastEvent() results = session.multiCall(strict=True) event_id = results[-1][0]['id'] #TODO - verify / check results ? task_id = session.newRepo(our_tag, event=event_id) #TODO - upload src # [?] use remote SCM url (if avail)? src = build.getSource() if not src: print "Couldn't get source for %s" % build.nvr return None #wait for repo task print "Waiting on newRepo task %i" % task_id while True: tinfo = session.getTaskInfo(task_id) tstate = koji.TASK_STATES[tinfo['state']] if tstate == 'CLOSED': break elif tstate in ('CANCELED', 'FAILED'): print "Error: failed to generate repo" return None #add a timeout? #TODO ...and verify repo repo_id, event_id = session.getTaskResult(task_id) #kick off build # 2010/09/02 DH add relative priority 5 task_id = session.build(src, None, opts={'repo_id': repo_id}, priority=5 ) return task_id def report(self): print "-- %s --" % time.asctime() self.report_brief() for state in ('broken', 'noroot', 'blocked'): builds = self.state_idx[state].values() not_replaced = [b for b in builds if not b.substitute] n_replaced = len(builds) - len(not_replaced) print "%s: %i (+%i replaced)" % (state, len(not_replaced), n_replaced) if not_replaced and len(not_replaced) < 8: print '', ' '.join([b.nvr for b in not_replaced]) #generate a report of the most frequent problem deps problem_counts = {} for build in self.state_idx['brokendeps'].values(): for dep_id in build.deps: dep = self.builds.get(dep_id) if not dep: #unscanned #possible because we short circuit the earlier scan on problems #we don't really know if this one is a problem or not, so just #skip it. continue if dep.state in ('common', 'pending', 'missing'): #not a problem continue nvr = dep.nvr if dep.substitute: dep2 = self.getSubstitute(dep.substitute) if dep2: #we have a substitution, so not a problem continue #otherwise the substitution is the problem nvr = dep.substitute problem_counts.setdefault(nvr, 0) problem_counts[nvr] += 1 order = [(c, nvr) for (nvr, c) in problem_counts.iteritems()] if order: order.sort() order.reverse() #print top 5 problems print "-- top problems --" for (c, nvr) in order[:5]: print " %s (%i)" % (nvr, c) def report_brief(self): N = len(self.builds) states = self.state_idx.keys() states.sort() parts = ["%s: %i" % (s, len(self.state_idx[s])) for s in states] parts.append("total: %i" % N) print ' '.join(parts) def _print_builds(self, mylist): """small helper function for output""" for build in mylist: print " %s (%s)" % (build.nvr, build.state) def checkJobs(self, tag=None): """Check outstanding jobs. Return true if anything changes""" ret = False for build_id, build in self.state_idx['pending'].items(): #check pending builds if not build.task_id: print "No task id recorded for %s" % build.nvr build.updateState() ret = True info = session.getTaskInfo(build.task_id) if not info: print "No such task: %i (build %s)" % (build.task_id, build.nvr) build.updateState() ret = True continue state = koji.TASK_STATES[info['state']] if state in ('CANCELED', 'FAILED'): print "Task %i is %s (build %s)" % (build.task_id, state, build.nvr) #we have to set the state to broken manually (updateState will mark #a failed build as missing) build.setState('broken') ret = True elif state == 'CLOSED': print "Task %i complete (build %s)" % (build.task_id, build.nvr) if options.tag_build and not tag == None: self.tagSuccessful(build.nvr, tag) build.updateState() ret = True if build.state != 'common': print "Task %i finished, but %s still missing" \ % (build.task_id, build.nvr) return ret def checkBuildDeps(self, build): #check deps if build.revised_deps is None: #print "No revised deplist yet for %s" % build.nvr return False problem = [x for x in build.revised_deps if x.state in ('broken', 'brokendeps', 'noroot', 'blocked')] if problem: print "Can't rebuild %s, missing %i deps" % (build.nvr, len(problem)) build.setState('brokendeps') self._print_builds(problem) return False not_common = [x for x in build.revised_deps if x.state not in ('common', 'local')] if not_common: #could be missing or still building or whatever #print "Still missing %i revised deps for %s" % (len(not_common), build.nvr) return False #otherwise, we should be good to rebuild return True def rebuildMissing(self): """Initiate rebuilds for missing builds, if possible. Returns True if any builds were attempted""" ret = False if options.max_jobs and len(self.state_idx['pending']) >= options.max_jobs: return ret missing = [(b.order, b.id, b) for b in self.state_idx['missing'].itervalues()] missing.sort() for order, build_id, build in missing: if not self.checkBuildDeps(build): continue #otherwise, we should be good to rebuild print "rebuild: %s" % build.nvr task_id = self.rebuild(build) ret = True if options.test: #pretend build is available build.setState('common') elif not task_id: #something went wrong setting up the rebuild print "Did not get a task for %s" % build.nvr build.setState('broken') else: # build might not show up as 'BUILDING' immediately, so we # set this state manually rather than by updateState build.task_id = task_id build.setState('pending') if options.max_jobs and len(self.state_idx['pending']) >= options.max_jobs: if options.debug: print "Maximum number of jobs reached." break return ret def runRebuilds(self, tag=None): """Rebuild missing builds""" print "Determining rebuild order" #using self.state_idx to track build states #make sure state_idx has at least these states initial_avail = len(self.state_idx['common']) self.report_brief() while True: if not self.state_idx['missing'] and not self.state_idx['pending']: #we're done break changed1 = self.checkJobs(tag) changed2 = self.rebuildMissing() if not changed1 and not changed2: time.sleep(30) continue self.report_brief() print "Rebuilt %i builds" % (len(self.state_idx['common']) - initial_avail) def tagSuccessful(self, nvr, tag): """tag completed builds into final tags""" session.tagBuildBypass(tag, nvr) print "tagged %s to %s" % (nvr, tag) def main(args): tracker = BuildTracker() #binfo = remote.getBuild(args[0], strict=True) #tracker.scanBuild(binfo['id']) tag=None if options.build: binfo = remote.getBuild(options.build, strict=True) tracker.scanBuild(binfo['id']) else: tag = args[0] tracker.scanTag(tag) tracker.report() tracker.runRebuilds(tag) if __name__ == "__main__": options, args = get_options() session_opts = {} for k in ('user', 'password', 'debug_xmlrpc', 'debug'): session_opts[k] = getattr(options,k) session = koji.ClientSession(options.server, session_opts) if not options.noauth: activate_session(session) #XXX - sane auth #XXX - config! remote_opts = {'anon_retry': True} for k in ('debug_xmlrpc', 'debug'): session_opts[k] = getattr(options,k) remote = koji.ClientSession(options.remote, remote_opts) rv = 0 try: rv = main(args) if not rv: rv = 0 except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except SystemExit: rv = 1 #except: # if options.debug: # raise # else: # exctype, value = sys.exc_info()[:2] # rv = 1 # print "%s: %s" % (exctype, value) try: session.logout() except: pass sys.exit(rv)