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[-D|--debug PLUGIN|FILTER|nbdkit.FLAG=N] [-e|--exportname EXPORTNAME] [--exit-with-parent] [--filter FILTER ...] [-f|--foreground] [-g|--group GROUP] [-i|--ipaddr IPADDR] [--log stderr|syslog|null] [-n|--newstyle] [--mask-handshake MASK] [--no-sr] [-o|--oldstyle] [-P|--pidfile PIDFILE] [-p|--port PORT] [-r|--readonly] [--run CMD] [-s|--single] [--selinux-label LABEL] [--swap] [-t|--threads THREADS] [--tls off|on|require] [--tls-certificates /path/to/certificates] [--tls-psk /path/to/pskfile] [--tls-verify-peer] [-U|--unix SOCKET] [-u|--user USER] [-v|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--vsock] PLUGIN [[KEY=]VALUE [KEY=VALUE [...]]] nbdkit --dump-config nbdkit PLUGIN --dump-plugin nbdkit --help Please read the nbdkit(1) manual page for full usage.nbdkit-1.31.12-1.fc371.31.12nbdkit%s %s (%s) filter: %s(%s) plugin: %serror: %s: %s: %s must have a .name field %s: %s: %s.name field must not be empty %s: %s: %s.name ('%s') field must begin with an ASCII alphanumeric character %s: %s: %s.name ('%s') field must contain only ASCII alphanumeric or dash characters strdupregistered %s %s (name %s)%s: load%s: unload %sbackend.c%s: default_export readonly=%d tls=%dconn->top_context == NULL%s: default_export: ignoring invalid string(c->state & (HANDLE_OPEN | HANDLE_CONNECTED)) == HANDLE_OPEN%s: prepare readonly=%dc->state & HANDLE_OPEN && c->handle%s: finalizec->state & HANDLE_OPEN%s: close%s: export_descriptionc->handle && (c->state & HANDLE_CONNECTED)%s: export_description: ignoring invalid string%s: get_size%s: block_size%s: can_write%s: can_flush%s: is_rotational%s: can_trim%s: can_zero%s: can_fast_zero%s: can_extents%s: can_fuar == -1%s: can_multi_conn%s: can_cachec->exportsize <= INT64_MAXbackend_valid_range (c, offset, count)flags == 0%s: pread count=%u offset=%lu*errc->can_write == 1!(flags & ~NBDKIT_FLAG_FUA)c->can_fua > NBDKIT_FUA_NONE%s: pwrite count=%u offset=%lu fua=%dc->can_flush == 1%s: flushc->can_trim == 1%s: trim count=%u offset=%lu fua=%dc->can_zero > NBDKIT_ZERO_NONE!(flags & ~(NBDKIT_FLAG_MAY_TRIM | NBDKIT_FLAG_FUA | NBDKIT_FLAG_FAST_ZERO))c->can_fast_zero == 1%s: zero count=%u offset=%lu may_trim=%d fua=%d fast=%d*err != ENOTSUP && *err != EOPNOTSUPPc->can_cache > NBDKIT_CACHE_NONE%s: cache count=%u offset=%lustarting worker thread %sexiting worker thread %s%s/ca-cert.pemasprintf%s/server-cert.pem%s/server-key.pem%s/ca-crl.pemallocating credentialsloading %sloading server certificate and key (%s, %s)successfully loaded TLS certificates from %sgnutls: %d: %s%s: config key=%s, value=%s%s: config_complete%s: get_ready thread_model=%d%s: after_fork%s: cleanup%s: preconnectwritten pidfile %s%s: %s: this plugin does not need command line configuration Try using: %s --help %s %s: get_readyprotocol-handshake-newstyle.cclient closed input socket, closing connectionexports.ci < exps->exports.lenextents.ci < exts->extents.lenconnmalloc: %m%s: open readonly=%d exportname="%s" tls=%ddefault export ("") not permitted%s: open returned handle %pb!c || b == c->b->nextold == NULLopen_memstreamuri=nbdsnbd://localhost:+vsock://1:+unix://\?socket=nbd="$uri" exportname=tls=%d port=unixsocket=memstream failedforkfailure to execute external command: %mcaptive.cWIFSIGNALED (r)%s: external command was killed by signal %d waitpid: %mWIFSIGNALED (status)%s: nbdkit command was killed by signal %d forked into background (new pid = %d)gnutls_record_recv: %snbdkit_exports_new: malloc: %mnbdkit_add_export: too many exportsnbdkit_add_export: string too longnbdkit_add_export: strdup: %mnbdkit_add_export: realloc: %m%s: list_exports readonly=%d tls=%d%s: list_exports failed%s: list_exports returned %zu namesnbdkit_extents_new: start (%lu) or end (%lu) > INT64_MAXnbdkit_extents_new: start (%lu) >= end (%lu)nbdkit_extents_new: malloc: %mis_power_of_2 ((align))IS_ALIGNED(count | offset, align)i == 0e2->offset == e->offset + e->lengthnbdkit_add_extent: extents must be added in ascending order and must be contiguousnbdkit_add_extent: first extent must not be > start (%lu)nbdkit_add_extent: realloc: %mc->can_extents >= 0!(flags & ~NBDKIT_FLAG_REQ_ONE)%s: extents count=%u offset=%lu req_one=%doffset > old_offsete.length <= countp->plugin.open != NULLc->conn->exportname == NULLnbdkit_strdup_intern: no string givenstrdup: %mplugin must set minimum block size between 1 and 64Kplugin must set minimum block size to a power of 2plugin must set preferred block size to a power of 2plugin must set preferred block size between 512 and 32Mplugin must set maximum block size to -1 or a multiple of minimum block sizeplugin must set minimum block size <= preferred <= maximumextents: plugin must return at least one extentprotocol-handshake.c.get_size function returned invalid value (%li)NBD_OPT_ABORTwrite: %s: %mstrndup: %mnewstyle negotiation: NBD_OPT_SET_META_CONTEXT export name "%s" ≠ final client exportname "%s", so discarding the previous contextnewstyle negotiation: flags: export 0x%x%s: %s too long%s: %s may not include NUL bytesnewstyle negotiation: %s: client requested export '%.*s'optlen < 8validating export namereading number of queriesreading query string lengthreading query stringreading option: conn->recv: %munknown option version %lx, expecting %lxclient option data too long (%u)NBD_OPT_EXPORT_NAMEread: %s: %mclient sent %s to abort the connectionNBD_OPT_LISTnewstyle negotiation: %s: export list already advertisednewstyle negotiation: %s: advertising exportssending lengthwrite: %s: %s: %msending export namesending export descriptionNBD_OPT_STARTTLSgnutls_init: %sgnutls_credentials_set: %s@NBDKIT,SYSTEM%s:+ECDHE-PSK:+DHE-PSK:+PSKasprintf: %mpriority != NULLfailed to set TLS session priority to %s: %sstarting TLS handshakegnutls_handshake: %s (%d/%d)TLS handshake completedTLS session: %sTLS: kTLS enabled for receive onlyTLS: kTLS enabled for send onlyTLS: kTLS enabled full duplexTLS: kTLS disabledTLS: kTLS enabled unknown setting: %dTLS: authentication: SRP (Secure Remote Password)TLS: SRP session username: %sTLS: authentication: PSK (Pre-Shared Key)TLS: PSK hint: %sTLS: PSK username: %sTLS: authentication: anonymousTLS: authentication: certificateTLS: no peer certificates foundTLS: peer provided %u certificate(s)TLS: %sTLS: authentication: unknown (%d)TLS: negotiated group: %sTLS: ephemeral ECDH using curve %sTLS: ephemeral DH using prime of %d bitsusing TLS on this connectionnewstyle negotiation: %s option length < 6newstyle negotiation: %s: export name too longnewstyle negotiation: %s: number of information requests incorrectconn->top_contextnewstyle negotiation: %s: NBD_INFO_NAME: no name to sendnewstyle negotiation: %s: NBD_INFO_DESCRIPTION: no description to sendnewstyle negotiation: %s: NBD_INFO_BLOCK_SIZE: client requested but no plugin or filter provided block size information, ignoring client requestunknownnewstyle negotiation: %s: ignoring NBD_INFO_* request %u (%s)NBD_OPT_STRUCTURED_REPLYnewstyle negotiation: %s: client requested structured repliesnewstyle negotiation: %s: structured replies are disablednewstyle negotiation: %s: invalid option length: %squerynewstyle negotiation: %s: %s count: %dmeta context querynewstyle negotiation: %s: %s %.*sbase:base:allocationnewstyle negotiation: %s: reply completereading unknown option data: conn->recv: %mclient spent too much time negotiating without selecting an exportnon-TLS client tried to connect in --tls=require modemallocpipe2protocol-handshake-oldstyle.ctls != 2oldstyle negotiation: flags: global 0x%x export 0x%xwrite: %mnewstyle negotiation: flags: global 0x%xsending newstyle handshakereading initial client flags: conn->recv: %mnewstyle negotiation: client flags: 0x%xclient requested unexpected flags 0x%xhandshake complete, processing requests seriallyhandshake complete, processing requests with %d threads%s.%dpthread_createwrite request too large to skipskipping write buffer: %munexpected early EOFipv4-onlyPre-Shared Keys (PSK)X.509 certificatesserialize_connectionsserialize_all_requestsserialize_requestsparallelexpecting stdin/stdout to be opened%s: pthread_key_create: %s LISTEN_PID%s: %s was not for us (ignored) LISTEN_FDS%s: socket activation: LISTEN_FDS=%s out of range %s: socket activation: invalid file descriptor fd = %d: %s 46D:e:fg:i:nop:P:rst:u:U:vV/proc/self/exe/usr/binbindir%s=%s binary/usr/lib64/nbdkit/filtersfilterdirpowerpc64lehost_cpulinux-gnuhost_os/usr/lib64libdir/usr/share/manmandirname/usr/lib64/nbdkit/pluginsplugindir/etc/pki/nbdkitroot_tls_certificates_dir/usr/sbinsbindirselinux=yes/etcsysconfdirtls=yesversionversion_extraversion_major%s=%d version_minorzstd=yesstderrsyslognull%s: --log must be "stderr", "syslog" or "null" long-optionsshort-options--%s %s: cannot use socket activation with --run flag -%c requirerequiredforce%s: -D (Debug Flag) must have the format NAME.FLAG=N flag%s_debug_%s%s: cannot use socket activation with -i flag mask-handshake%s: cannot use socket activation with -p flag %s: cannot use socket activation with -s flag %s: cannot use socket activation with -U flag -make_temporary_directory%s/socket%s: use 'nbdkit plugin --dump-plugin' or 'nbdkit /path/to/plugin.so --dump-plugin' or if you want to find out about the server use --dump-config %s: no plugins given on the command line. Use '%s --help' or read the nbdkit(1) manual page for documentation. %s: cannot use oldstyle protocol (-o) and require TLS %s %s (%s)initializing GnuTLSallocating PSK credentialsHOME%s/.pki/%s%s/.config/pki/%sTLS enabled using: %s%s: --tls=require but could not load TLS certificates. Try setting ‘--tls-certificates=/path/to/certificates’ or read the "TLS" section in nbdkit(1). %s: warning: --tls=on but could not load TLS certificates. TLS will be disabled and TLS connections will be rejected. Try setting ‘--tls-certificates=/path/to/certificates’ or read the "TLS" section in nbdkit(1). TLS disabled: could not load TLS certificatesmain.ctls != -1nbdkit: --exit-with-parent%s: --dump-plugin, -p, --run, -s, -U or --vsock options cannot be used in this combination %s/nbdkit-%s-plugin%s/nbdkit-%s-plugin.so%s: error: cannot open plugin '%s': %s Use '%s --help' or read the nbdkit(1) manual page for documentation. plugin_init%s: %s: %s %s: %s: invalid plugin_init pluginregistering %s %s%s: %s: plugin registration function failed %s: %s: plugin is incompatible with this version of nbdkit (_api_version = %d) %s: %s: plugin must have a .open callback %s: %s: plugin must have a .get_size callback %s: %s: plugin must have a .pread callback %s/nbdkit-%s-filter.so%s: error: cannot open filter '%s': %s filter_init%s: %s: invalid filter_init filter%s: %s: filter registration function failed %s: %s: filter is incompatible with this version of nbdkit (_api_version = %d, need %d) %s: %s: filter is incompatible with this version of nbdkit (_version = %s, need %s) %s: warning: debug flag -D %s.%s was not used script%s: expecting key=value on the command line but got: %s %d # unknown thread model!using thread model: %slocks.cthread_model <= NBDKIT_THREAD_MODEL_PARALLELfcntl/dev/nullopen%s: --swap: mlockall: %m mlockall donereallocr == 0using socket activation, nr_socks = %zusockets.cunixsocket[0] == '/'%s: -U: path too long: length %zu > max %d bytes selinux-label: setsockcreatecon_rawbind_unix_socket: socketlistenselinux-label: setsockcreatecon_raw(NULL)bound to unix socket %sportbind_vsock: socketbound to vsock any:%u10809%s: getaddrinfo: %s: %s: %s bind_tcpip_socket: socketsetsockopt: SO_REUSEADDRsetsockopt: IPv6 onlybind%s: unable to bind to any sockets: %s bound to IP address %s:%s (%zu socket(s))//tmp/nbdkitXXXXXXpath=%s name=%s version=%s api_version=%d struct_size=%lu max_thread_model=%s thread_model=%s errno_is_preserved=%d magic_config_key=%s longnamehas_%s=1 descriptionloadunloaddump_pluginconfigconfig_completeconfig_helpthread_modelget_readyafter_forkcleanuppreconnectlist_exportsdefault_exportcloseexport_descriptionget_sizeblock_sizecan_writecan_flushis_rotationalcan_trimcan_zerocan_fast_zerocan_extentscan_fuacan_multi_conncan_cachepreadpwrite_pread_v1_pwrite_v1_flush_v1_trim_v1_zero_v1ipv6-onlydebugdump-configdump-pluginexit-with-parentexport-nameexportnameforegroundno-forkgrouphelpip-addripaddrlognew-stylenewstyleno-srold-styleoldstylepid-filepidfileread-onlyreadonlyrunselinux-labelsinglestdinswaptlstls-certificatestls-psktls-verify-peerunixuserverbosevsockUefilter_closenbdkit_context_get_backendnbdkit_context_set_nextplugin_closeplugin_get_sizeplugin_preadraw_closeraw_recvraw_send_socketraw_send_othercrypto_sendcrypto_closeconnection_get_statusbackend_default_exportbackend_preparebackend_finalizebackend_closebackend_export_descriptionbackend_get_sizebackend_block_sizebackend_can_writebackend_can_flushbackend_is_rotationalbackend_can_trimbackend_can_zerobackend_can_fast_zerobackend_can_extentsbackend_can_fuaplugin_zerobackend_can_multi_connbackend_can_cachebackend_preadbackend_valid_rangebackend_pwritebackend_flushbackend_trimbackend_zerobackend_cacheconn_recv_fullnbdkit_get_exportnbdkit_get_extentbackend_opennbdkit_next_context_opennext_openrun_commandcrypto_recvbackend_list_exportsnbdkit_extents_alignedbackend_extentsnbdkit_extents_fullplugin_openprotocol_common_opensend_newstyle_option_replyfinish_newstyle_optionscheck_export_namenegotiate_handshake_newstyle_optionssend_newstyle_option_reply_exportnamescrypto_negotiate_tlssend_newstyle_option_reply_info_exportsend_newstyle_option_reply_info_block_sizeprotocol_handshake_oldstyleprotocol_handshake_newstylemainabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ._-0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZlock_init_thread_modelstart_servingbind_unix_socketsockets_insertNBD_CMD_READNBD_CMD_WRITENBD_CMD_DISCNBD_CMD_FLUSHNBD_CMD_TRIMNBD_CMD_CACHENBD_CMD_WRITE_ZEROESNBD_CMD_BLOCK_STATUScleanup.c!rpthread_setspecificNBD_OPT_INFONBD_OPT_GONBD_OPT_LIST_META_CONTEXTNBD_OPT_SET_META_CONTEXTabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.-_=,:/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.-_~/%%%02Xinternal.hi <= v->lencannot convert null or empty path to an absolute pathget_current_dir_name: %m%s/%scannot resolve a null or empty pathrealpath: %s: %m%s: could not parse number: "%s": %m%s: empty string where we expected a number%s: could not parse number: "%s": trailing garbage%s: negative numbers are not allowedcould not parse size string (%s)size cannot be negative (%s)size (%s) exceeds maximum valuecould not parse size: unknown suffix '%s'overflow computing size (%s)truefalsefnooffcould not decipher boolean (%s)fdopen %s: %mcould not read password from %s: %mstdin is not available for reading passwordstdin is not a tty, cannot read password interactivelypassword: could not read password from stdin: %mpassword file descriptorcannot use password -FD for stdin/stdout/stderropen %s: %msleep request is too longpublic.cerrno != EINTRpoll: %mhas_quit || (conn && conn->nworkers > 0 && connection_get_status () < 1) || (conn && (fds[2].revents & (POLLRDHUP | POLLHUP | POLLERR | POLLNVAL)))aborting sleep because of server shut downaborting sleep because of connection close or errorno connection in this threadsocket not openpeername: %mgetsockopt: SO_PEERCRED: %mnbdkit_strndup_intern: no string givenpollaccept: %mpthread_create: %mpthread_cond_waitlen <= NBD_MAX_STRINGaccepted connectionparsegroup%s: -g option: %s is not a valid group name or gid (getgrnam error: %s)setgidsetgroupschanged group to %sparseuser%s: -u option: %s is not a valid user name or uid (getpwnam error: %s)setuidchanged user to %snewstyle negotiation: %s: replying with %s id %dconn->status_pipe[1] >= 0failed to notify pipe-to-self: %mprotocol.c!_rread request: %minvalid request: 'magic' field is incorrect (0x%x)client sent %s, closing connectioninvalid request: %s: write request on readonly connectioninvalid request: %s: offset and count are out of range: offset=%lu count=%uinvalid request: %s: expecting offset and count = 0invalid request: unknown command (%u) ignoredinvalid request: unknown flag (0x%x)invalid request: NO_HOLE flag needs WRITE_ZEROES requestinvalid request: DF flag needs READ requestinvalid request: FAST_ZERO flag needs WRITE_ZEROES requestinvalid request: REQ_ONE flag needs BLOCK_STATUS requestinvalid request: %s: structured replies was not negotiatedinvalid request: FUA flag not supportedinvalid request: %s: data request is too large (%u > %d)invalid request: %s: flush operation not supportedinvalid request: %s: trim operation not supportedinvalid request: %s: write zeroes operation not supportedinvalid request: %s: cache operation not supportedinvalid request: %s: base:allocation was not negotiatedthreadlocal_buffer: realloc: %mread data: %s: %m(int) error >= 0sending error reply: %swrite reply: %s: %mwrite data: %s: %mconn->meta_context_base_allocationnr_extents >= 1calloc: %me.length > 0e.offset == offsete.length <= lengthwrite error reply: %mcleanup_mutex_unlocknbdkit_nanosleepsend_newstyle_option_reply_info_strsend_newstyle_option_reply_meta_contextconnection_set_statusprotocol_recv_request_send_replyvalidate_requesthandle_requestsend_structured_reply_readsend_structured_reply_block_statusextents_to_block_descriptorssend_structured_reply_errorsend_simple_reply;6 `OMnj VOeo O gOpPv +'HBhd ,JP 6 >:JOUV0Ph,6BN P.*)T jPyIEPd<h`PQ=3Q &mkQ z,R, &cRxr.&|XRysRR &'S6@JLS<  &B@S8[O/+_TnKCxxpTTC &U(2+  <m a F Uxp    ,V(Vd &+ ) pVt@ 8 l d  V    H @ WS1 W~    8XS1PXC    *8 4 4P L XX0*3 *4XC S T U /V :> :A zXD zf d YC S T U V :# z8 zz x H z : y0YDr yy y hYC S (T U V :#0 y@ y yy y  y= ; C S T U V :#0 z :)Y 4R J >x t H )YY0z 4>H ZC S T @U V :#HR :0Zx    xZxZ$ ZC S PT @U V :#X ; 2Z22HB2lfZL/( LZɨ[_0p _ب[ \$$[w233<[ ST1U p[ ST1U pL\ST1U p$@[53"3NJP[kqST \kST $X[X[73fd3~|t[ST1U xV $t[t[8e33[kS ET1U2V$[[;33[kS T1U7V a`\pz \ c  /-\\a\ p z><b0]WK#g[  *@4|]JTTVVW0]bS(^C S T @U V :#h4 ;c@^Erui|%!>:WS^0T0^S _)sk3?KW3'cnfmwH_UU_S ___\ ```$`C S T 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C17 12.1.1 20220628 (Red Hat 12.1.1-3) -msecure-plt -m64 -mcpu=power8 -mtune=power8 -g -O2 -flto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fPIC 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o_priv.00000001d.plt_call.gnutls_credentials_set@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.read@@GLIBC_2.17generic_vector_reservequit.c.25633120accept_incoming_connections0000001d.plt_call.fork@@GLIBC_2.17send_newstyle_option_reply_info_str.constprop.00000001d.plt_call.setuid@@GLIBC_2.17threadlocal_pop_context0000001d.plt_call.putc@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.pthread_mutex_lock@@GLIBC_2.17connection_set_status.isra.00000001d.plt_call.gnutls_record_recv@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.fputc@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.getpeername@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.strcmp@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.memmove@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.memcpy@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.putchar@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_transport_is_ktls_enabled@@GNUTLS_3_7_30000001d.plt_call.strrchr@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_certificate_set_known_dh_params@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.strnlen@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.strdup@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.fdopen@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.fileno@@GLIBC_2.17__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.1.lto_priv.8cleanup_nbdkit.c.bce0aa48add_intern.lto_priv.0protocol_recv_request_send_reply.isra.00000001d.plt_call.__errno_location@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.setgid@@GLIBC_2.17vfprintf.c.014c80550000001d.plt_call.prctl@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call._Unwind_Resume@@GCC_3.00000001d.plt_call.write@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_priority_set_direct@@GNUTLS_3_4backend_extents0000001d.plt_call.strerror@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.strndup@@GLIBC_2.17verbose0000001d.plt_call.dup2@@GLIBC_2.17protocol_handshake.c.6be1468d__GNU_EH_FRAME_HDR00000042.plt_call.__gmon_start___fini0000001d.plt_call.getgrnam@@GLIBC_2.17quit_fd0000001d.plt_call.isatty@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.__libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.34threadlocal.c.b3841b1c0000001d.plt_call.gnutls_certificate_free_credentials@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.abort@@GLIBC_2.17free_interns0000001d.plt_call.gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.fputs@@GLIBC_2.17cleanup.c.e2a505820000001d.plt_call.__syslog_chkieee128@@GLIBC_2.320000001d.plt_call.gnutls_strerror@@GNUTLS_3_4filters.c.9d9afbebchange_user0000001d.plt_call.exit@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_global_set_log_level@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.sigfillset@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.fcntl@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.__snprintf_chkieee128@@GLIBC_2.32ascii_strcasecmp.lto_priv.1.lto_priv.00000001d.plt_call.pthread_mutex_unlock@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.17backend_cache__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.22.lto_priv.0usergroup.c.4a619f750000001d.plt_call.free@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.__asprintf_chkieee128@@GLIBC_2.32log_stderr.c.a564bda50000001d.plt_call.stat@@GLIBC_2.330000001d.plt_call.getsockopt@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.system@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_psk_free_server_credentials@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.gnutls_bye@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.340000001d.plt_call.gnutls_x509_crt_import@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.gnutls_handshake@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.open@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_global_init@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.dlopen@@GLIBC_2.340000001d.plt_call.strtol@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.strtoul@@GLIBC_2.17threadlocal_new_server_thread0000001d.plt_call.gnutls_session_get_desc@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.get_current_dir_name@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.tcgetattr@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.__getdelim@@GLIBC_2.17_IO_stdin_used0000001d.plt_call.pthread_mutex_destroy@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.perror@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_certificate_set_x509_crl_file@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.close@@GLIBC_2.17backend_pread0000001d.plt_call.strlen@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_psk_set_server_credentials_file@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.pthread_mutex_init@@GLIBC_2.17sockets_insert.lto_priv.10000001d.plt_call.accept4@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.pthread_attr_setdetachstate@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_psk_allocate_server_credentials@@GNUTLS_3_4cleanup_extents_free.isra.0__data_start0000001d.plt_call.puts@@GLIBC_2.17listen_stdinquote.c.e2ac204b.TOC.0000001d.plt_call.gnutls_global_deinit@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.strspn@@GLIBC_2.17protocol_handshake_oldstyle.c.95229535connections.c.38a846b40000001d.plt_call.mlockall@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.getenv@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.dlsym@@GLIBC_2.340000001d.plt_call.realpath@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_deinit@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.pipe2@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.pthread_rwlock_rdlock@@GLIBC_2.340000001d.plt_call.gnutls_dh_get_prime_bits@@GNUTLS_3_40000001d.plt_call.flockfile@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.umask@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.send@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.poll@@GLIBC_2.17threadlocal_set_name0000001d.plt_call.gnutls_record_uncork@@GNUTLS_3_4configured0000001d.plt_call.unlink@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.pthread_getspecific@@GLIBC_2.340000001d.plt_call.fwrite@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.funlockfile@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.setgroups@@GLIBC_2.170000001d.plt_call.gnutls_ecc_curve_get_name@@GNUTLS_3_4nbd_errn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